cause these words are my diary screaming out loud Well well well , just past week one and let us be honest, 2021, not a great start. I obviously need this website to reflect my hopes and desires as much as the truth that is the struggle. So, as much as I want to post reflections on awesome trips, great food and general positivity, in order to do so I must be acknowledge what is happening right now. The breakdown of society with the "haves and have nots' , the lack of empathy people are demonstrating (loud and proud) towards one another and the feeling that there is no end in site. I feel like every time I say to myself, well just around this bend things will be better, there is either a larger or a different barrier in place. With the acknowledgement of this, I strive to move forward prepared, not only for my mental well being but to let others know we can get through this And the only way we can, is if we work together. Acknowledging one's privilege's is the first step. And this is not to make people feel shameful or guilty (let me tell you I do not need this to trigger guilt. I can find it all on my own). But once you own it, kind of like in a 12 step program you are no longer able avoid it. During this pandemic if nothing else has stood out as stark and clear and frightening is privilege's that groups have over each other. Even if I was speaking about the larger infractions like politicians jet setting off to paradise islands while telling us all to stay at home. Or the white men storming the United States Capital building as police stand by taking selfies, while earlier in the year peaceful demonstrations from groups like Black Lives Matter and Climate Change advocates were vilified arrested or assaulted. But we are not speaking of that. I personally don't have the space or mental energy, if you do, THANK YOU, get in touch maybe we can share our platform. I am talking about the little things in society that mostly go un-noticed. I will use myself as an example so as not to have to quote or share links. I am a white women with monetary means, I have a husband, I own my own business and I am employable. Right at the moment I do not have to worry about where the next meal is coming from (if it even is) I have more than adequate shelter over my head and I am able to easily transport myself from A-B. I have no dependents, I do not have to take time off work to help kids with "virtual school", not to mention feeding and sheltering. I do not have to worry about how on earth my kids will be socialized during a pandemic which will in turn teach them to be better people with empathy. I have a fabulous social network and a family who cares deeply for me. I am not alone. I know all of this stems from different sources of privilege. Now this is the part I really want to get into, what can we do to balance the playing field so to speak. We depend a lot on our leaders to make the hard decisions for us. When that time comes, there is an ideal that any decision would be to serve the entire population not a specific group of people. In a democratic society we do have the power of the VOTE. Which is one of the most fantastic tools we can use when it comes to sourcing leaders with integrity, strong ethics and values that align with a healthy society. So inform yourself and get the facts. Right now more than ever we need to take care of our neighbours. Strong communities are healthy and prosperous for all. The 'shop local' movement (and you definitely can call it that) was not only a heart warming hashtag, it was practical. When society works together for advancement everyone wins. So continue to shop local. And if you have the means, shop lots. If you do not have the monetary means to shop right now, no worries there are other ways you can help, get on social media 'like' and 'share'. These are not small feats, they contribute to the growth and well being of the business. Also if you are like me and live more on the minimal side, grab a gift certificate now and when your sisters b-day comes along in July, go back and use the certificate to purchase her gift, this is a great way to stay on budget too. Dinner time. If you have a favourite spot, show your love and grab some take out. The pizza joint needs you, the coffee shop needs you. The pub where everyone knows your name, needs you. Try to avoid the delivery apps right now as the restaurants are dinged with a service charge, order directly and TIP BIG. Help your neighbours who can't get out. Canadian winters can be brutal without a pandemic, especially for people who have mobility issues. Offer to pick up groceries, or a prescription. Get a take away meal or make a run to the library for someone who may not be able to get out on their own. Shovel driveways, scrape off cars (maybe with permission first) walk a dog. We can do all these things with distance in mind. Show the the same zeal of support for frontline workers as we did at the beginning (maybe they could be a recipient of a take away pizza or some gift cards and in the least, but no less important a smile and thank you) . Every single day, they go out and place the needs of society, before their very own. We need to think of them. kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give Hope is the only thing that keeps me from driving off the road, after the bend proves to be no smoother. I am working on my flaws. I get hung up on perceived wrong doings. I want to shake certain people so strongly that my own arms break. But in the end I want to be at peace, I want to live in a world of compassion and empathy and the only way that can be done is if everyone is included and feels like they belong, that if done with good intentions everyone has a valuable role in society.
I want, if you got this far to thank you so much for reading. When everything feels immense and just out of your reach, remember "we lift by rising others" ~ John Ingersoll. And he is right. Go out and lift someone up, and you let me know how you feel afterwards. Luv K8e
Jim Morrison
1/9/2021 07:20:18 am
I am new to your feed, but am so impressed. This was definitely a very well thought out article. Good for you.
1/9/2021 11:39:17 am
Actually... this almost made me tear up with inspiration and emotion. I couldn’t agree more to do more. Thank you for sharing!
10/27/2022 11:38:28 pm
Game special woman.
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Katie30 almost 40 something gregarious nice girl. Homebase Prince Edward County. Always looking for the next adventure, whether in my own backyard or travelling the world. I get excited over pugs, unicorns and rainbows.