Originally published September 23 2014 You know what's fun? Sobbing on an airplane while watching a movie. Because of course you can't hear yourself, so amplify what you can hear by like a thousand and that is what all the other passengers just woke up to. The Fault in Our Stars killed me, I never read the book, and because of Shailene Woodley's misinformed statements regarding feminism, I was a little disenchanted with her, (as a lead character, come on girl don't you want to be paid as much as your male counter parts?), but it was the only option I hadn't seen yet. So as the tears ran down my face right from the onset of the movie, my thoughts also went into overdrive.
I had also just finished catching up on Alicia Keys new project the #Wearehere campaign, a fantastic effort to tackle many different social issues, and I was already a little sensitive to the injustices of the world. I love when celebrities lend their voices to causes that hopefully they believe in, it is something and it is important. But I truly respect and admire a celebrity that is fully invested of their own accord, because they believe in something so passionately. Alicia Keys, Bono, the different UN Goodwill ambassadors such as Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson, newly appointed Leonardo DiCaprio as the messenger for peace, bravo and thank you from my heart. So together these two things created the perfect storm. I wondered why we need triggers to remind us that we have one go at this thing called life. Why would you want to be remembered as a bully, a tyrant, or ignorant. What is the point of these ongoing wars? Of discrimination based on skin colour, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. How do we build a society based on compassion and love? I am sure like many of you, I want working solutions. I want to live in a world where we reach out to people with less hope, with less fortune, where everyone lives equally and without fear. I want to live in a world where this conversation is no longer happening. But until then... You have a home base (it is not your physical home) it is right where you are standing now. Where the people that surround you are as important and as equal as yourself. Domino this effect into your family and friends, neighbours and strangers, and then the world community. We all have an opportunity to help shape the world that we desire. But as the old saying goes, you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. We must start with ourselves. Home base (yourself, myself) - Taking care of oneself both physically and mentally. Just like a car we need proper fueling, oiling and maintenance. We need to stop taking ourselves so seriously. Have fun, and dream. Believe. When you truly love and appreciate your whole self you can move on. Family & Friends - Be involved, forgive, assist and share. Recognize and appreciate uniqueness, be thoughtful and empathetic. Neighbours- there is nothing that makes you feel more secure than living in a healthy community. Be present and active. My neighbours share garden vegetables, and lend out lawn mowers, they greet each other on the street, most of the time by name, and sometimes we even have BBQ's. Strangers- You never know what is going on in someone's life. Respecting boundaries, but at the same time lending a hand, or an ear can sometimes make a wonderful difference in someone's day. Have you heard of paying it forward, this phenomenon actually works, so start a chain reaction today. Humans of the world - What can one person do you ask? Ok sure the majority of us do not have the capabilities or resources to single handily stop a war, or feed a starving nation. But in a democracy your vote could help. Your activism can help. Your funds can help. There is always something you can do. It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't have to cost you a penny. It just has to come from somewhere good. I like that I cry on airplanes, it makes me real. I like that I have an unwavering belief that one person can make a difference. That hope is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone and that compassion is essential. The only person you are truly accountable for is yourself, so you have no excuses. If you want to join me and start our own movement leave a comment and let's start brain storming, or if you have a cause you support leave a link. Luv K8e
"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That is why it's called the present." Bil Keane You can call me old fashioned, I will not twinge, I will probably take it as a compliment. I also consider myself pretty modern, up to date and open minded to the idea that life will always be changing and evolving. How can you combine the past and the present to create a happier, healthier, safer future?
*Also my friends are my family, and we make a point to have frequent potlucks (who needs any other excuse to eat delicious food?). September CHALLENGE : Mail that Snail. Isn't it nice to receive a note in the mail? The time and thought it takes to write and mail a letter is so precious. I challenge everyone here to Snail Mail someone close to you, or someone you have not been in touch with, comment below when you do. Originally published August 14, 2014
Today I spent a portion of my afternoon, watching videos of Japanese Macaques, they appeared to be enjoying the frigid temperatures as they played around making snowballs, wrestling, pondering mites, and bathing in hot springs. This is how I enjoy the winter, in the comfort of my home. It is cold out, and even for me a self declared hibernator, making sure I have a few winter essentials around is paramount to my survival and sanity. I have to give myself a boost once and a while, so that I literally will not decide just to play bear and sleep through the winter. Here are a few glorious things that make the cold seem a little more manageable.
Hope I warmed you up! Luv K8e Originally posted January 28 2014
"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. " ~ Jim Rohn Change is in the air. You can feel it in the crisp night air and the shortening days. Pumpkin lattes and sweaters are my new life. Just like the fall, I let go, grow and change my colours. A new job for me, a lost job for my husband. House guests (we host international students while they are learning English) and missed friends ( because time has become hijacked by work). This season is going to be all about change, about having fun in the multi coloured seasons of life. Apple Picking (well almost) at Chudleighs Apple Farm. Because of the wonderful traffic leaving the city we arrived a little later than planned but still wanted to enjoy the outdoors a bit and get into the fall spirit. With our newest addition in tow, Marzipan (cutie in training) we took a hay tractor ride around the apple orchard, and arrived back in time to shop. We left with two large bags of apples one of which were Orange Pippin, a older variety but one we hadn't heard of before. The flavours were complex and nothing like your garden variety apple, an apple crumble, jams, a pumpkin and some flowers. The Colours of Fall in Algonquin Park, is one of the best ways to witness the change of season. This spectacular show that is at it's peak for only a couple of weeks, draws crowd's from around the world. A hike up Booth's Rock which takes approximately two hours if you're in good athletic shape (I'm not but damned if I am going to huff and puff in front of an 18 year old), gives you one of the best views of this sprawling quilt of reds, oranges and yellows. And of course any drive up highway 11 will have you stopping at Webers. It's a rule. Everything will not always go as planned, and sometimes the truth is in the saying 'when one door closes another one opens.' So here I go, my fall mission is to embrace change, learn from it and grow. Like the fall leaves, this girl has to shed some weight. Hope your having a wonderful fall so far. Luv K8e P.S how do you cope with change? Any tidbits of advice? Originally published on October 13, 2015
Katie30 almost 40 something gregarious nice girl. Homebase Prince Edward County. Always looking for the next adventure, whether in my own backyard or travelling the world. I get excited over pugs, unicorns and rainbows.