"Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever. " Neil Gaiman Every year we all brace ourselves, engines revving, just waiting for the track marshal to drop the green flag. New Years Day. The day we promise we are not going to scoop out peanut butter by the spoon full, we are finally going to rejoin and successfully become part of that boxing gym, learn Spanish, and of course do something that terrifies us; forgive and forget, and last but not least be the happier version of ourselves, (since yesterday). I try to make each year better than the last, and guess what? Just like the racetrack with obstacles and varying speeds, competition and self doubt, I always end up right where I want to be, awarding myself with a first place ribbon, because nobody else could have steered my life around the corners any better. 2015 was great, I got a new job, and met some incredible new people. Putting my priorities and values at the forefront was my greatest accomplishment. Plans change, I dealt with it. I am excited for 2016 I have some new creative ideas for the blog, which will start right away and hopefully I will create a larger community where discussions and involvement will start to take shape. All of my childhood friends will vouch that I am the Queen of Clubs. (If you must know, one was called The Dead Fingers Club, I have no idea how this name came about but our club house was painted in camouflage and a skull and cross bone was our emblem, dark days.) If anyone can send me pics of these young me attempts at clubdom that would be great. Here are my TOP 7 things I would like to accomplish in 2016 1. Hola Amigo! This is the year I finally put this to rest, Spanish you will be my second language. 2. Learn how to play the Ukelele. Because it's just so darn cute. I can take it anywhere with me. 3. I am going to Skateboard! This has been on my to do list way to long and now I am so old I will probably break bones when I fall. 4. Rejoin that boxing gym, my gold Adidas gloves are so angry they are not being used. 5.Going to Havasupai in Arizona 6. Social life! I have neglected this very important part of my life for months now. Friends be prepared to spend more time with me. 7. Forgive, I have a feeling this is going to be the hardest of all. So before I run out of gas, and you are all consumed with the fumes of my New Year sentiments I will depart. And I wish you and your's a very happy new year! Oh and with all this talk of cars and racing I might just have to add that to my list now. Here's to your adventures. Luv K8e Originally published December 31, 2015
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Katie30 almost 40 something gregarious nice girl. Homebase Prince Edward County. Always looking for the next adventure, whether in my own backyard or travelling the world. I get excited over pugs, unicorns and rainbows.